Some money saving reading...

Well, it's a new year - which translates into a new opportunity to analyze your finances and seek out some savvy cost-cutting measures. Here are a few interesting articles that will help you cut costs across your household budget:

Reduce your bills
This article in the Globe addresses five simple ways to reduce your household bills - from insurance to mortgage interest. While some of the suggestions are pretty straight forward, it reminds us that one of the best ways to save money is to avoid complacency - shop around for better mortgage, insurance and cell phone deals rather than simply automatically renewing with your existing provider.

Get a deal on your next car
This Yahoo! article discusses the best time of year to buy a car. While it argues that you can get the best deals if you go vehicle shopping on New Year's Eve, hitting the dealerships at the end of the month, or before next year's models are released, will also win you some good bargains.

Collect what's coming to you
This article by REIN is less about saving money and more about collecting the rent that's owed to you. If you're new to the role of landlord, it's worth a read as it offers some tips to ensure your tenants pay up every time.

-Article provided courtesy of Axiom Mortgage Partners


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